Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Up for air, and down again....

Hello, to all my readers! Apologies for being incommunicado for so long; outreach is a truly wild and crazy time. This will be a brief update, hopefully followed by a longer one in the next couple of days.

We got to Costa Rica on Sunday, August 18th, and had an incredible time there. The first week, we stayed in the YWAM base in San Jose, Costa Rica's capital city. There, we did ministry to students on a university campus, skits for children at a Salvation army, prayer and coffee handouts outside a hospital, cleanup for a conference the base was having, and a whole lot of childcare for that conference as well. The second week, we were in an indigenous village called Soretka, in the native reservation called Talamanca. It was TRULY primitive living. We slept under mosquito nets (since, SURPRISE, dengue fever was going around), ate more rice and beans than any humans ever should, and did a whole lot of manual labor. The outreach was largely part of serving a small, struggling church with a new pastor get on its feet, so we actually started to rebuild their building and also did some ministry to the pastor and local missionaries as well. Oh, and we bathed in the river, lacking adequate shower facilities. WOOOOOOO OUTREACH!!!!!! God taught me so much and showed me some incredible things in Costa Rica.

After a fourteen hour flight, we arrived in London on last Tuesday, jet lagged and with absolutely no idea where we were staying or what we were going to do; every last one of our plans fell through. What we have learned more than anything this week has been God's unbelievable provision. God gave us a church to stay in, ministries to participate with, a calling for our time here, resources beyond what we could have imagined, and divine encounters on a crazy-cool scale. I'll go into more of this later, but for now, this'll have to do. For now, this is Chris, signing off.

Oh, a couple more things! If you'd like to receive the weekly team update from my leader Ruth, let me know, and I'll see that you get it. Either comment on this post, email me, or let me know via Facebook if you're interested. Make sure to give me the email address you want the newsletter sent to. Thanks!

Also, if you haven't seen it, here is one of the dramas my team performs.

That's it! Bye, all!